We've Moved
We're the new kid on the block! MML's new offices are located on 47 State Circle, the center of Maryland governance.
We're the new kid on the block! MML's new offices are located on 47 State Circle, the center of Maryland governance.
The Maryland Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) has announced a new webinar: Blending ARPA CLFRF & IIJA and the new ARPA CLFRF Interim Final Rule to take place on September 13, 2023 from 12:00-1:00pm EST. This webinar will provide an overview of:
A limited number of rooms remain available for our Excellence in Leadership Fall Conference. The Hotel at University of Maryland will honor MML's special discounted rate until September 15.
Know Before You Go
MML's Legislative Committee met three times in August to review all 20 member-submitted Legislative Action Requests (LARs) submitted in advance of the 2024 General Assembly Session. After substantial discussion, the Committee unanimously voted to recommend the following three priorities:
1. A Speed Camera bill to allow local governments to utilize non-sworn personnel to issue a citation for speed camera violations;
2. A bill to allow local governments to establish Tourism Zones to provide incentives to attract tourism; and,
3. Legislation establishing and supporting a statewide study on local government revenue sources.
Many officials must hit the ground running. Calls to take and make, residents to engage, and municipal business galore. Where should you start?
Our Virtual Orientation for Municipal Officials (OMO).
This Friday, learn about an opportunity to join other local governments in a collaborative insurance plan that may reduce your administrative burden and save your municipality time and money. The Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance program, also known as the Time to Care Act, impacts all employees and specifically employers (including municipal governments) with 15 or more employees. So, if your municipality has at least 15 employees or plans to expand to 15 or more in the future, you won't want to miss this webinar.
David Johnson, Vice President from Bolton USA, will talk in detail about the collaborative opportunity and answer your questions. Sign-ups for the collaborative plan are due in the next few weeks, so this is the best opportunity to learn if it is the right option for your municipality!
Registration for the Excellence in Leadership Fall Conference, being held October 15-17 in College Park, is now live! MML’s conferences are the only professional development events designed solely for municipal officials. Our fall event draws our most engaged and forward-thinking leaders, looking for information that can arm them for the upcoming legislative session.
Here's what you need to know about this year's event:
Use the link below to register for the webinar. You must register in advance to receive the Zoom link.
How can you prove your commitment to local governments?
Be a Sponsor!
Table-top displays, and direct access to local leaders
The "Featured Inquiry" is a new element to MD CommUnity, the League's members-only portal. The posts will highlight an interesting inquiry received by MML with the answer and resources posted to the community's "Ask MML" Discussion thread.
We invite any officials (elected and staff), new since April, to join us on Wednesday, September 20 at 1 p.m. for the League’s virtual Orientation for Municipal Officials (OMO), an interactive webinar designed to bring you up to speed on the fundamentals of municipal governing and the resources and programs of the Maryland Municipal League.
If you've ever wondered what's appropriate for the charter vs. the code, September's mini "deep dive" on Charter Management will enlighten you.
For 14 years now, MML has partnered with TechnologyNet, a Utah-based company providing “real time,” web-based compensation data to public sector subscribers. TechNet currently serves more than 1,000 local governments in in Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Virginia and here in Maryland and will be delivering a webinar on Thursday, August 31 demonstrating system capabilities for municipalities interested in learning more. The TechNet system includes:
The cost to participate is $40-80 per year for most Maryland municipalities and allows for multiple logins and passwords for shared access with staff members.
(August 11, 2023) Annapolis, Md. – The Maryland Municipal League (MML), which represents 157 cities and towns, two special taxing districts in Maryland, launched its inaugural Symposium Thursday, August 10. The first in a series of deep dives into emerging municipal issues, yesterday’s speakers tackled the recent legalization of cannabis.
MML Presents Lifetime Achievement Award to Delegate-Designee Ryan Spiegel; Honorary Lifetime Membership Award to Commissioner Kumar Barve
(June 27, 2023) Annapolis, Md. – The Maryland Municipal League (MML), which represents 157 cities and towns and two special taxing districts in Maryland, presented Ryan Spiegel, former MML President and Delegate-designee, with its esteemed Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2023 Summer Conference in Ocean City, Maryland. The League also recognized former Delegate and current PSC Commissioner Kumar Barve as an Honorary Member.
2023-2024 Board of Directors Elected at MML’s Annual Business Meeting
Mayor John Carroll of Galena to Serve as President; Mayor Michael O’Connor of Frederick is President-Elect
The Maryland Municipal League Presents Municipal Achievement Awards to the Town of Greensboro and City of Laurel
(June 26, 2023) Annapolis, Md. – The Maryland Municipal League (MML), which represents 157 cities and towns and two special taxing districts in Maryland, acknowledged Greensboro and Laurel as the Small Town and Large City winners of its revered Municipal Achievement Award during the Summer Conference.
The Maryland Municipal League and President Mitchell Announces MML Caucus Groups
(June 26, 2023) Annapolis, Md. – The Maryland Municipal League (MML), which represents 157 cities and towns and two special taxing districts in Maryland, announced the formation of MML Caucus Groups after a unanimous vote by the MML Board of Directors. Launching caucus groups was a priority for President Denise Mitchell in her 2022-2023 term, modeled on the National League of Cities (NLC) efforts.
Final voting results with tally counts for the 2023-24 MML Board Members-At-Large
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