We are offering an opportunity to Maryland's city and town managers to join the MML Executive Committee and senior management team for a Lunch and Learn, on October 10 at noon, to hear about an engagement initiative with the League to represent Municipal managers across the state and network with over 115+ manager colleagues.
The Maryland Municipal League City and Town Administrators Department was created in 1978 as an affiliate of the League, designed to focus on specific municipal matters that may impact a city manager’s duties and responsibilities; and serves to help municipal managers stay tapped into League-wide resources that may benefit their municipality.
We will provide an an update on the department affiliation and we encourage all municipal managers and administrators to learn, first hand, about the change's impacts and League growth.
Michael O'Connor - MML President, Mayor Frederick
Theresa Kuhns - MML Chief Executive Officer
Paula Chase Hyman - MML Leadership Development Managing Director
Please contact Dionna Richardson, Associate Leadership Development, if you have any issues registering.
Register today.