Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund program


The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of Real Estate and Development (ORED) is
seeking information from stakeholders to help inform the new Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund program before an anticipated launch later this year.

This request for information (RFI) serves to gather input for MDOT to ensure the program is clear and
supports effective TOD projects while also informing local jurisdictions and eligible partner applicants of
the Fund’s future launch and gauging interest from prospective applicants. This RFI also includes
updated information on the State’s new process for official TOD Designation (see Appendix A). Program
details shared in this RFI are preliminary and are subject to change before program launch.
Please note that the RFI is not an application for funding under the program. Responding to the RFI is not
a prerequisite to participating in a future application process. Further, responding to this RFI does not
provide any advantages to the participant during any future application process. All information obtained
in a participant’s response will be made available for interagency review and may be used by MDOT to
inform the implementation of the Fund.

RFI is live on MDOT's website at this link: RFIforTOD-07262024.pdf (

 Contact Alex Walinskas, TOD Coordinator at [email protected] with questions.

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