MTAP Federal Funds Mapping Service Update

The State of Maryland’s Department of Budget and Management's Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) has exciting updates to make its Fund Mapping Service more readily accessible. The goal of the service is to help Maryland municipalities match their priority projects with competitive federal funding opportunities available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).  To get started with the Fund Mapping Service, all you have to do is submit a Fund Mapping Request Form.


Completing the Fund Mapping Request Form **UPDATED**

Option #1: **NEW** The MTAP team is providing a new way to participate in the fund mapping service – all you have to do is fill out basic contact information on the Fund Mapping Request Form. By answering “Yes” to question #6, a member of the MTAP Team will reach out to schedule a call to support in filling out the form. This initial call will gather the required information needed to match programs with projects and not for program identification.


Option #2: If you would like to fill out the Fund Mapping Request Form yourself and proceed to the next steps of the fund mapping process, select ‘No’ to question #6 and continue to answer the rest of the questions. The form should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete.


Once completed, the MTAP team will review your submission, and may request additional information or a brief meeting. Your municipality will receive a formal response including (but not limited to) details on funding opportunities that may match your project/project concept and associated timelines, information on application and program requirements, and details on local match requirements. There may be projects where no funding source match is readily identifiable. In these cases, the MTAP team will support municipalities in brainstorming other strategies.


Please email us at [email protected] with any questions.


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