NLC Race Equity and Leadership Webinar

Those who have made commitments to racial equity since 2020 want to stay committed. They know there’s so much more to do to ensure that one’s race and other identities do not predict one's outcomes. The National League of Cities (NLC) is here to help cities in their efforts to achieve equitable outcomes. Join NLC’s Race, Equity, and Leadership Team and others as we acknowledge the anti-DEI challenges cities are experiencing, offer historical context for why there is opposition to equity efforts, assist cities in understanding if their challenge is political or legal, and offer strategies and examples of how to stay firmly committed to racial equity.


Click here to register for the upcoming NLC REAL webinar "The Time is Now: The Continued Importance of Antiracism."


For more information on upcoming NLC Race, Equity, and Leadership programming, email or contact Program Director, Beverly Scurry, at

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