Excellence In Leadership Fall Conference - Registration Open
Registration for the Excellence in Leadership Fall Conference, being held October 15-17 in College Park, is now live! MML’s conferences are the only professional development events designed solely for municipal officials. Our fall event draws our most engaged and forward-thinking leaders, looking for information that can arm them for the upcoming legislative session.
Here's what you need to know about this year's event:
Confirmed speakers
- Jake Day, DHCD Secretary and Past MML President
- Emily Keller, Special Secretary of Opioid Response (former Mayor, Hagerstown)
- Irma Esparaza Diggs, Senior Executive and Director of Federal Advocacy, National League of Cities
Sessions and information focused on timely issues including:
- Mental Health
- Housing
- Time to Care Act
- Tax Differential
- Hate and Civility
Leadership day designed as an in-person meeting opportunity for all MML committees and the Board of Directors
Small Group Dialogues for new DEIA Caucuses
Academy Graduate Course
Orientation for Municipal Officials (OMO)
Tabletop Exhibits featuring key partners and businesses
Walking Tour and many other workshop sessions including Academy Core and Elective coursesNew this year
- Pricing structure featuring our lowest member fees, to date. For the lowest rate, please register before early rates expire on September 14.
- Registration fee for guests. Please note the new guest policy below
Event app to launch a few weeks prior to the event
Hotel accommodations must be made directly with the host hotel, The Hotel at University of Maryland.
- Specially negotiated discounted room rates start at $189 for Single occupancy
- The MML discounted room rate block expires on September 15.
- Online booking must use MML’s booking ID: 232103 for discounted rate at www.thehotelumd.com
New Guest Policy
To help contain costs, there is now a $250 Guest registration fee which includes access to lunches and MML-sponsored receptions. Only one guest is allowed per registrant.
Guests must be:
- At least 18 years of age -and-
- A spouse, partner or family member
Guest cannot:
- Be a current or former municipal or public official
- Be affiliated with any exhibitor
- Have any professional reason to be at the conference
- Access any workshops, sessions or any non-meal events
Visit our full FAQ for detailed answers.