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MML Speed Camera Priority Bill Voted Favorable in Senate Committee

MML's priority legislation SB 390, which would allow trained technicians to review speed camera images and sign the citations, passed out of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Friday by a vote of 7-1. The next steps are for the bill to move through procedural votes on the Senate floor, expected to be this week. Meanwhile, the House cross-file bill, HB 343, is scheduled for its hearing in the House Environment and Transportation Committee on Friday, February 21 at 1:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Bill Jorch.


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MML Staff Testifies on Critical Election Support Legislation

Last week, MML staff testified in the Maryland Senate and House on legislation (SB 88 / HB 322) to ensure the State Board of Elections (SBE) can continue to support municipal elections using a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

This legislation is the result of conversations that took place over the fall after SBE shared a memo with county Local Boards of Elections (LBEs) that ordered them to stop supporting municipal elections beyond providing voter rolls:

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MML Priority Bills Heard in Senate Last Week - Press Release

MML Priority Bills Heard in Senate Last Week; Both Seek New Authority  

(February 3, 2024) Annapolis, MD. – The Maryland Municipal League (MML), representing 160 local governments, testified in favor of two new local authorities last week. On Wednesday, local government leaders joined Senator Cory McCray in support of SB 324, which would enable local jurisdictions to adopt a local food and beverage fee. Later in the week, MML leadership and municipal police representatives joined Senator Will Smith in support of SB 390, which if passed, will allow non-officer staff to certify speed camera violations with appropriate training.

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MML Advocacy Day 2025

Join MML and the Maryland Mayors for our inaugural Advocacy Day as we meet with state leadership, visit the State House, and attend delegation meetings.

March 6, 2025 - 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Governor Calvert House, Annapolis, MD

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MML 2025 Bill Positions and Priorities Are Now Live

Stay informed and engaged.

The MML Bill Positions webpage has been updated for the 2025 legislative session. It contains up-to-date information on MML's key legislation that impacts our municipalities. You'll find bill text, information, status updates, and our organizations positions throughout session there.

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MML Priority Bill Hearing January 29 - Action Alert

MML’s priority legislation giving local jurisdictions the authority to levy a food and beverage feeSB 324, has a hearing next week, January 29.

This bill would authorize municipalities and counties to charge up to 3% on on-site food and beverage purchases. 

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Speed Camera Priority - We Have Bill Numbers

One of MML's legislative priorities in 2025 is to allow trained civilians to review speed camera images and issue citations. While this bill was introduced last year, it has two new sponsors this year; Delegate Vaughn Stewart, who is the chair of the Motor Vehicle Subcommittee, and Senator Will Smith, who is the chair of the Judicial Proceedings Committee. Recently, they formally introduced the bills, HB 343 and SB 390. In addition to these two great sponsors, Governor Moore publicly announced his support of the legislation at the MML Legislative Reception on January 8.

Next steps are the public hearings which have not yet been scheduled. For more information please contact Bill Jorch, [email protected].

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Local Infrastructure Priority Survey- Responses Needed


The National League of Cities (NLC) has been asked to testify at the House Transportation Committee’s kickoff hearing to reauthorize the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) on Wednesday, January 15 at 10 a.m. ET. IIJA significantly expanded the number of infrastructure programs local governments could access, but there is a need to protect the local-federal partnership programs in the face of limited federal funding and tough scrutiny in the renewal process. The NLC Research team has prepared a new local infrastructure priorities survey and needs responses before March 12. The goal is to have every state’s representation resulting in national report out of the nation’s most pressing city infrastructure needs and state-by-state breakouts for Senators and State Leagues for use for state-level work.

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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1.35 Billion to Increase Climate Resilience Nationwide

The Biden-Harris Administration recently announced a $1.35 billion increase in federal funding to address climate resilience nationwide. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell revealed that this funding is available through two critical grant programs: the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program, and the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program. These funds aim to enhance disaster preparedness, protect people and infrastructure, and mitigate flood risks nationwide.

The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program offers $750 million for projects aimed at mitigating risks from natural hazards such as floods, hurricanes, and extreme heat. Maryland municipalities can leverage this funding to support initiatives like stormwater system upgrades, reinforcing public buildings, and developing green infrastructure to enhance resilience.

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Moments Captured: MML Photo Gallery is LIVE

Relive the memories captured at MML events by visiting our newly created Flickr account. Access and download pictures of the Annual Legislative Opening Day Joint Reception and the Legislative Opening Day Photo Wall.

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How to Submit Testimony to the 2025 General Assembly

Setting Up Your myMGA Account

To submit testimony (oral, written, or informational) to the Maryland General Assembly, you must have a myMGA account. There are helpful tutorials for myMGA here.

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Sign Up For The Local Dispatch MML Newsletter

Not already receiving the latest updates and events information affecting Maryland local governments? 

Sign up for the Local Dispatch e-newsletter today!

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Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Movement and Ongoing Concerns

U.S. House and Senate committees recently introduced a bicameral agreement to reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Although the proposed bill includes some positive policy changes, several provisions raise concerns about reducing local flexibility and stakeholder involvement. Key issues include redesignation of local workforce development areas which may reduce local accountability and slow innovation by enabling single-area designations in many states. There have also been several One-Size-Fits-All mandates. These Federal mandates on training and work-experience requirements for youth could negatively impact underserved populations. There has also been an increased governor's set-aside for critical industries fund expanding state-level set-asides to 25% could limit resources for local implementation.

Advocacy efforts, including letters from the National League of Cities (NLC), U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM), and National Association of Counties (NACo), continue to push for greater flexibility, though movement on local redesignation provisions remains unlikely. Members are encouraged to engage Congress and share concerns here.

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PROTECT Grant Funding Applications Now Open

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has announced the next round of Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) discretionary grant funding. The PROTECT Discretionary program provides funding to strengthen surface transportation to be more resilient to natural hazards, including climate change, sea level rise, heat waves, flooding, extreme weather, and other natural disasters through support of planning activities, resilience improvements, evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. There are four general categories of grant awards from the PROTECT program. There is a $100,000 minimum for planning grants. There is a $500,000 minimum for construction grants. Last round, planning awards ranged from $142,000 - $5.3 million and $750,000 - $60 million for construction. At least 25% of the funding must be used for projects in rural areas, at least 2% of the funding must go to Tribal area projects, and no more than 25% of total funding may be used for Intercity Rail projects. 

Eligible Facilities: Planning and resiliency grants may be awarded to support the following facilities:

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Maryland Stormwater Regulations


Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has proposed revisions to Chapter 2 of the Stormwater Design Manual (Design Manual), the stormwater management regulations. Changes to Chapters 1, 3, 5, and the appendices will also need to be made. The proposed changes as a whole are designed to simplify the stormwater management design process, remove outdated and conflicting material that is currently in the Design Manual, and combine into one the two chapters (Chapters 3 and 5) that describe stormwater management practices. More information on this process can be found here.

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Secretary Jake Day Keynotes MML Housing Symposium with Local Leaders

(August 1, 2024) Annapolis, Md. The Maryland Municipal League (MML) held its 2nd Annual Summer Symposium Thursday, August 1, at the Crowne Plaza in Annapolis. The second in a series of deep dives into emerging municipal issues, speakers discussed Maryland’s housing crisis, the Governor’s recent housing legislation, and how to combat NIMBYism. Maryland Secretary of Housing & Community Development and MML Past President Jake Day gave the keynote speech to over 150 municipal officials and housing organization representatives.  

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MML Housing Symposium Registration Open

MML's Summer Symposium will take place on August 1, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza in Annapolis.

The event will focus on Maryland's housing legislation, with a keynote address by Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day. In addition, this year’s symposium will feature panels with experts from the National League of Cities, state officials, and municipal leaders discussing planning, zoning, and sustainable growth strategies. 

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FY 25 State Budget Cuts - What Municipalities Need to Know

Governor Proposes Nearly $150 million in Mid-Year Budget Cuts. On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, the Board of Public Works adopted the Moore-Miller Administration’s proposed budget cuts to rebalance the state budget. Here’s what municipalities need to know.  

Total amount cut: $148,308,221 

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Announcing the Clean Water Commerce Act Re-Solicitation for Fiscal Year 2024

The Clean Water Commerce Act (CWCA) passed by the Maryland General Assembly during the 2017 Session (CH366/367) and reauthorized during the 2021 Session (CH694/695) expanded the uses of the Bay Restoration Fund to include the costs associated with the purchase of cost-effective nitrogen load reductions in support of the State’s efforts to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay.

Chapters 501 and 502 of the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session, "Clean Water Commerce Account - Contracts for Purchase of Environmental Outcomes," requires the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to allow for nonuniform payment schedules when entering into a contract for a project that includes construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation.  Due to this legislative change MDE is reopening the solicitation that previously closed on January 31, 2024.  
The Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) invites you to send proposals by August 30, 2024 for the purchase of nitrogen reductions.
Proposals previously submitted on or before January 31, 2024 will still be considered for funding.  Any proposal previously submitted that includes construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation and submitted with a uniform payment schedule may be resubmitted with a nonuniform payment schedule.  Additionally, MDE is accepting new proposals that were not previously submitted during the application period that ended on January 31, 2024.  
Proposals that do not include construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation should continue to use a uniform payment schedule with equal payments spread out over the length of the payment schedule.  Proposals that do include construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation can use either a uniform or nonuniform payment schedule.

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Join MML's Lunch and Learn Webinar: Legislative Wrap Up

Join MML for a Lunch and Learn: Legislative Wrap Up webinar on the Maryland General Assembly’s 2024 legislative session.

Gain insights from our esteemed panelists as we discuss MML's legislative objectives, the Maryland state budget, and other important municipal issues and information.

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